rosemary garlic rack of lamb

Well, tomorrow marks the end of our summer quarter and the start of our 3 week break before fall quarter starts again. Nonetheless, this quarter flew by and I really can't believe we'll be welcoming new first years in less than a month! Even though we all complain and dread the workload put on us, t's crazy to think how much we've learned and done in such a short amount of time. Someone mentioned this to me in passing and its literally spot on:
 "The days are long but the years are short."

Anyways, I shouldn't get too excited as I'm actually spending my summer break studying for part I of my boards. And when that time comes, prepare yourself for a slew of crockpot recipes as that will probably be the most efficient way for me to meal prep for those long study days. Don't worry, I'll keep them creative and tasty all the same.

I suppose, in celebration of almost being done with finals and in preparation of slow-cooked food for the next few weeks, I decided to indulge myself to a pretty hearty and savory meal featuring a new favorite of mine: rack of lamb. 

In a previous post, I mentioned how much I used to hate it and that was no joke, I would literally take a bite of it and spit it right back out. I don't know what changed or if it's just that I'm getting older and I'm acquiring a palate for things I didn't use to (wine being one of them). I guess dental school really does age you...

Ok and on top of all that, I mean, I was really turned off by how much I'd have to prep to cook red meats like this. I always thought it would take a lot of time and effort, but really this recipe was super easy and it honestly didn't require very much... So start getting them racks in the oven because this recipe is SO worth it. 

Here's what you'll need:
Rack of lamb (Trader Joe's)
2-3 tbsp chopped rosemary
Pepper (to season)
3 garlic cloves (minced)

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Squeeze half of a lemon or lime onto the rack of lamb, ensure that both sides are covered with the juices. Season with pepper and rub it onto both sides. On a plate, mix the chopped rosemary and minced garlic and place the lamb (bone side down) onto the seasonings. Move the lamb around to allow for maximum coverage, flip it over and repeat on the other side.

Place the lamb bone side down on a rack over a foiled pan (if you have one), if not, just place it directly on a foiled pan and allow it to roast for 15 minutes.  Once the time is up, remove it from the oven and let it stand wrapped in foil for about 5 minutes before slicing. To sear, just heat up a pan with oil on high and sear each side until desired browning/cooking. 

I also added onions, mushrooms and asparagus in the oven as the lamb was cooking -so everything was made all in one go! Super easy, delicious, and I seriously just can't get enough.



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