OK, it's totally been a while.
After taking my boards -which I hopefully passed, I've been literally taken by whirlwind. Fall quarter started last week, my mom came to visit, I went home for the weekend and I didn't gym at all during this time! It's only the second week of fall quarter but this quarter hit me like a train and I can't seem to catch a break. My days (and nights) are now spent in lab and I can practically call it my second home. Although I'd much rather prefer doing lab work versus studying, I come home feeling so exhausted and drained that I have no energy or motivation to do anything else.
Well, today is a new day and plus it's Friday! We start class late today (but end late, boo.) so I had the opportunity to make myself a decent breakfast. Plus I was super excited to use my new wooden spoon, which I've searched far and wide for. I couldn't seem to find an affordable (like under $5) wooden spoon, but my mom did! You'd never guess where though... Daiso. Out of all the places to look, right? But anyways, here is my start-of-fall-quarter-acai-power bowl to get me through the day, topped with some autumn-ish ingredients.
Here's what you'll need:
Acai base:
1 frozen banana
1 pack Sambazon Acai pack
1/2 cup almond milk
Purely Elizabeth Pumpkin Fig granola
Slivered almonds
Silvered almonds
Blend together the banana, Sambazon Acai pack and almond milk until smooth. Then top with the ingredients listed above and enjoy!
After taking my boards -which I hopefully passed, I've been literally taken by whirlwind. Fall quarter started last week, my mom came to visit, I went home for the weekend and I didn't gym at all during this time! It's only the second week of fall quarter but this quarter hit me like a train and I can't seem to catch a break. My days (and nights) are now spent in lab and I can practically call it my second home. Although I'd much rather prefer doing lab work versus studying, I come home feeling so exhausted and drained that I have no energy or motivation to do anything else.
Well, today is a new day and plus it's Friday! We start class late today (but end late, boo.) so I had the opportunity to make myself a decent breakfast. Plus I was super excited to use my new wooden spoon, which I've searched far and wide for. I couldn't seem to find an affordable (like under $5) wooden spoon, but my mom did! You'd never guess where though... Daiso. Out of all the places to look, right? But anyways, here is my start-of-fall-quarter-acai-power bowl to get me through the day, topped with some autumn-ish ingredients.
Here's what you'll need:
Acai base:
1 frozen banana
1 pack Sambazon Acai pack
1/2 cup almond milk
Purely Elizabeth Pumpkin Fig granola
Slivered almonds
Silvered almonds
Blend together the banana, Sambazon Acai pack and almond milk until smooth. Then top with the ingredients listed above and enjoy!
Happy Friyay,